Intuition & gifts








The goal is to balance and enhance the flow of energy within the body to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Welcome, to our energy work kick off!

In this course, get ready to dive deep into the world of ​energy work. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned ​pro, get set for mind-blowing insights and practical tips ​that cater to all levels.

Throughout your journey, we'll be digging into juicy ​topics like:

  • Setting strong intentions!
  • Getting your Zen on with grounding and centering ​techniques!
  • Dive into the basics of Muscle Testing in Energy ​Work!
  • Tapping into energy portals for some muscle-​testing action!
  • Unveiling the power of intention and visualization!

Keep an open mind, buckle up for adventure, and get ​ready to rock your energy world! Remember, this journey ​is as unique as you are, so feel free to scribble notes, ask ​away, and share your mind-blowing experiences with ​the gang.

We're pumped to have you on board and can't wait to ​guide you through your epic energy odyssey. Let's dive ​in and conquer this awesome journey together! 🚀✨



set intention

Cast out any ​negativity

Ground & ​protect energy

open & test

energy portal

test your ​name

ready to


Trust Yourself



On both hands form a ring with your thumb and index or middle finger.


Connect both rings together making a figure 8.


Try to pull rings apart

If the rings stay strong and intact, it's a "yes" or positive response. If they break apart easily, it's a "no" or negative response.

Muscle Testing Basics

  1. Get Comfortable: Find a quiet and comfortable ​place to sit. Relax your body and take a few deep ​breaths to center yourself.
  2. Form the Mudra: Connect your thumb and ​middle finger on each hand to form the Shuni ​Mudra. This helps to focus your energy.
  3. Connect Your Hands: Bring your hands together, ​connecting the tips of your thumbs and middle ​fingers from each hand.
  4. Take a Deep Breath: Inhale deeply, filling your ​lungs with air, and then exhale slowly.
  5. State Your Name: Calmly say, "My name is ​Frank."
  6. Test the Connection: While maintaining the ​mudra, gently try to pull your hands apart by ​pulling at the connection between your thumbs ​and middle fingers. Notice the resistance or ease ​with which your hands come apart.

Muscle testing involves tapping into your intuition, ​opening and closing channels, and reaching a state of ​deep tranquility. If you find it challenging at first, ​that's okay. Start by grasping the fundamental ​concepts and the overall process. Over time, you will ​develop confidence in yourself and your responses.

Join our live event "Intuition and Gifts" to test your ​skills and have the chance to practice on Megan or ​with your peers. This interactive session will help you ​enhance your understanding and perfect your ​technique in a supportive setting. Remember, every ​expert was once a beginner; it's through dedication ​and patience that mastery is accomplished. Our ​community of kindred spirits is here to support you ​every step of the way. Whether you're new to muscle ​testing or looking to refine your skills, this event is ​tailored to meet you where you are and assist you in ​your growth.

Seize this opportunity to connect, learn, and enhance ​your abilities. Let's work together to unlock the full ​potential of your intuition and talents. We eagerly ​anticipate your presence at the event as we embark ​on this voyage of discovery together.





Circle Shape Outline

fluff it up

fluffing your aura

Circle Shape Outline

swipe it up

awakening the cells in the body

Circle Shape Outline

zip it up

protecting your energy

wash rinse repeat


To begin, it's crucial to focus our energy by enhancing ​our aura, boosting the flow of positive energy, ​harmonizing our energy, and zipping up.


Balancing your energy through your ears involves using ​the pressure points on your ears to harmonize your ​body’s energy. The ears are powerful gateways to the ​brain and can influence your overall energy balance.


Gently massage your ears, starting from the lobes and ​moving upward. This stimulates acupressure points and ​improve energy flow.


Fluffing your aura is an essential practice to maintain a ​vibrant and expansive energy field. The aura is an ​electromagnetic field surrounding your body, reflecting ​your physical, mental, and emotional health. Over time, ​stress, negative thoughts, and external influences can ​cause your aura to become compressed or dull.


  1. Find a Quiet Space: Begin by finding a calm and ​quiet space where you won't be disturbed.
  2. Ground Yourself: Sit comfortably with your feet flat ​on the ground. Close your eyes and take a few deep ​breaths. Imagine roots growing from your feet into ​the earth, anchoring you.
  3. Visualize Your Aura: Picture your aura as a glowing, ​radiant light surrounding your body. It may appear as ​a soft, colorful light extending about an arm’s length ​away from you.
  4. Use Your Hands: Slowly move your hands around ​your body, about an inch away from your skin. ​Imagine your hands gently fluffing and expanding ​your aura, as if you were smoothing out and ​plumping up a pillow.
  5. Visualize your aura becoming brighter and more ​vibrant with each motion of your hands.
  6. Seal Your Aura: Finish by imagining a protective ​layer around your aura, keeping the positive energy ​in and negative influences out.


A therapeutic technique that involves using hands or ​specific tools to make gentle, sweeping motions over the ​body to cleanse, balance, and rejuvenate the individual's ​energy field. The purpose of energy sweeping is to ​remove blockages, disperse negative energy, and ​enhance the flow of positive energy.


  1. Clearly set the intention for the session, such as ​clearing negative energy or promoting healing.
  2. Begin at the extremities (e.g., feet or hands) and use ​gentle sweeping motions towards the center of the ​body.
  3. Using a light touch or hovering the hands just above ​the skin, make smooth, sweeping motions along the ​limbs, torso, and head.
  4. Visualize the sweeping motions clearing away ​negative energy and filling the space with positive ​energy. Maintain deep, rhythmic breathing.
  5. If there are specific areas of concern, spend extra ​time sweeping in those areas to ensure thorough ​cleansing.


Zipping up your energy is a technique to protect and ​strengthen your energy field, ensuring you remain ​grounded and centered throughout the day.


  1. Visualize a zipper running from the base of your ​spine to the top of your head.
  2. Use your hand to trace the path of the zipper, ​starting as low as you can go and moving upward. ​As you do this, imagine pulling up a zipper, sealing ​your energy field from any external influences.
  3. You can repeat this process whenever you feel the ​need to reinforce your energy field, such as before ​entering a stressful situation or after an exhausting ​day.

By integrating these techniques into your energy work ​routine, you can uphold a harmonious, lively, and ​shielded energy field, improving your general well-being ​and strength.



Gold Metallic Heart Brushstroke

Write down your intentions


Involves clarity, focus, and alignment with your values and goals.

Here are some steps to help you set powerful intentions:

1. Reflect and Clarify

  • Self-Reflection: Take time to understand what you ​truly want and why. Reflect on your values, ​passions, and long-term goals.
  • Specificity: Be specific about what you want to ​achieve. Vague intentions lead to vague results.

2. Visualize the Outcome

  • Visualization: Imagine the outcome vividly. See ​yourself achieving your intention and feel the ​emotions associated with it.
  • Details: Include as many details as possible in your ​visualization to make it more real and compelling.

3. Write It Down

  • Written Statement: Write your intention clearly and ​concisely. This helps to solidify your commitment.
  • Present Tense: Phrase your intention in the present ​tense as if it is already happening. For example, "I ​am confident and successful in my new role."

4. Create an Action Plan

  • Steps: Break down your intention into actionable ​steps. Identify what you need to do to achieve your ​goal.
  • Timeline: Set a timeline for each step to keep ​yourself accountable.

5. Align with Your Values

  • Consistency: Ensure your intention aligns with your ​core values and overall life goals. This alignment will ​provide motivation and a sense of purpose.
  • Authenticity: Make sure your intention is authentic to ​you and not influenced by external pressures or ​expectations.

6. Use Positive Affirmations

  • Affirmations: Develop positive affirmations related to ​your intention. Repeat them daily to reinforce your ​commitment and mindset.
  • Belief: Believe in the power of your intention and ​your ability to achieve it.

7. Stay Focused and Persistent

  • Focus: Keep your intention at the forefront of your ​mind. Visual reminders like vision boards can help.
  • Persistence: Stay committed even when faced with ​obstacles. Persistence is key to manifesting your ​intentions.

8. Take Inspired Action

  • Action: Take consistent and inspired action towards ​your intention. Small, regular steps are often more ​effective than sporadic, large efforts.
  • Adjust: Be flexible and willing to adjust your plan as ​needed while staying true to your intention.

9. Practice Gratitude

  • Gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the ​progress you make and the opportunities that arise. ​This positive energy supports your intentions.
  • Acknowledge: Celebrate small victories along the ​way to keep your motivation high.

10. Reflect and Review

  • Review: Regularly review your progress and reflect ​on what is working and what isn’t. Adjust your ​approach as necessary.
  • Growth: Use setbacks as learning experiences to ​grow and refine your intentions.

If you have any questions or need a little extra guidance, feel free to ​reach out.
















Are powerful, spiritual gateways that connect to higher ​realms of consciousness and universal energy. These ​portals act as conduits for channeling healing energy, ​facilitating deep emotional, mental, and physical ​transformations.

Energy Portals for Healing

Introduction Energy portals are sacred spaces, often ​found in nature or created intentionally in a healing ​environment, where the veil between dimensions is thin. ​They serve as powerful conduits for receiving and ​transmitting healing energy from the universe.

Function and Purpose Energy portals connect us to ​higher realms of consciousness, enabling the flow of ​high-frequency vibrations that can cleanse, balance, and ​rejuvenate our energy fields. They are used in various ​healing practices, including meditation, energy work, and ​spiritual rituals, to enhance the healing process.

Types of Energy Portals

  1. Natural Portals: Found in specific locations like ​ancient forests, mountains, and near bodies of water. ​These places naturally emit a high vibrational ​frequency, making them ideal for healing practices.
  2. Intentional Portals: Created through rituals, crystals, ​sacred geometry, or other spiritual tools. These ​portals are set up in healing spaces such as ​meditation rooms, altars, or healing circles.

Benefits of Energy Portals

  • Emotional Healing: They help release deep-seated ​emotional blockages and traumas, promoting ​emotional balance and well-being.
  • Mental Clarity: By connecting to higher ​consciousness, they facilitate mental clarity, focus, ​and insight.
  • Physical Healing: The high-frequency energy can aid ​in physical healing by restoring balance and vitality ​to the body's energy systems.
  • Spiritual Growth: Energy portals enhance spiritual ​awareness and growth, aiding in the journey toward ​enlightenment and self-realization.

Using Energy Portals for Healing To effectively ​use an energy portal for healing, one must:

  • Set Intentions: Clearly define the purpose and ​desired outcome of the healing session.
  • Create a Sacred Space: Arrange the space with ​crystals, candles, and other spiritual tools to amplify ​the energy.
  • Ground Your Energy: Ground your energy, by fluffing ​your aura, sweeping away all negativity, balance ​your inner power, and zip up a protective shield. ​Focusing on connecting with the energy portal and ​allowing the healing energy to flow through you.
  • Receive and Release: Be open to receiving the ​healing energy and releasing any blockages or ​negative energy.

Conclusion Energy portals for healing are profound ​tools for anyone seeking deep transformation and ​holistic well-being. By harnessing the power of these ​sacred gateways, we can tap into the limitless ​healing potential of the universe, fostering harmony ​and balance in all aspects of our lives.

